Pick & Roll & Form

Pick & Roll
The seven week Pick & Roll clinic will teach players the necessary skills involved in one of the fundamental elements of offensive basketball. Players will learn how to properly use the screen, set up the defender and make the best decision. Equal focus will be placed on getting to the basket, passing, and pulling up for the open shot. Reading the defense and how defenders play the screen will be a valuable component that players can take with them into other areas of their game. Pick & Roll is available to Boys and Girls of all ages and takes place from 9:30-10:40am.

This program is designed for players looking to improve and refine their shooting ability in both catch & shoot and off the dribble situations. Each session will focus on various drills teaching proper shooting form and eliminating inefficient movements in shooting mechanics. Players will work on technique, stability, shoulder strength and footwork. Players will also learn practice routines to perform at home in order to increase confidence, improve accuracy and build muscle memory. Balance and preparation will be major areas of emphasis. Form is available to Boys and Girls of all ages and takes place from 10:45-11:45am.

Private Training

Private Basketball Training sessions with members of The Scoring Factory staff can be scheduled on weekdays as well as on the weekends.

Private Basketball Training sessions are only available to Members of The Scoring Factory and can be scheduled on weekdays as well as on the weekends. Areas of emphasis can include shooting, ball-handling, offensive moves, footwork, defense and confidence.

Each session is tailored to the specific needs of the player. One-on-one and small group sessions have been instrumental in fine-tuning the skills of many players in and around the Pittsburgh area. Our expert coaching team has trained beginners to pros.

Contact us for fee information and scheduling

Do you need Consultation?

  • An evaluation to learn current strengths and weaknesses from an objective pair of eyes?
  • Need guidance, assistance or advice?
  • A better understanding of the recruiting process?
  • Schedule an in-game evaluation to better understand the thought process of a college coach?
  • A sounding board to gauge appropriate goals and options?
  • Assistance with selecting the right agent?
  • Curious to know the best way to get into coaching?
  • Simply need help navigating the overall basketball landscape?

Get in touch for our consultation Services

Contact us to improve your game

Just a few of the thousands of players
that have trained with The Scoring Factory

Cam Johnson

All ACC, 1st Round

D.J. Kennedy

St. John’s Alum

Brianna Kiesel

Former PITT Panther

What Our
Parents Say

I cannot overstate the value in the lessons that The Scoring Factory coaches have provided.

We have seen my son go from an average player, with average fundamental skills to a starter on the “A” team at his school.

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